Brainstorm the Bear
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Interesting in helping our cause?! We have had quite a few people ask what they can do to help or how they can make a donation. This is how you can help......

THANK YOU!!! to the Roberts Family, the W.P. Achenbach Family, and the Clone Family for their generous donations!!!

Below are some much needed items.....
1. 3 (three) medical alert bracelets with Epilepsy engraved on the back (these can be purchased at almost any apothecary or medical supply store).
2. Business size manilla envelopes (9 X 12) with clasps.
3. Shipping-size white labels.
4. Paper for printing PSA's and fliers.
5. Postage stamps for mailing Brainstorm's Travel and Shipping Guides to families (these go out 2 weeks before scheduled Brainstorm arrival!).

Dream Items!
Professionally printed versions of Brainstorm's flier!
Letter head!

Please note.... we are not a non-profit group yet. We are going through the steps to see if we can qualify, but at this time any donation you make will be out of the goodness of your heart to help Brainstorm make his travels. It will not be a tax-deductible contribution. This is why we are suggesting you donate supplies and not cash! Thank you for anything and everything :)

For more information, comments, questions, or suggestions... please email the program director at

Copyright Ó 2002 BrainstormBear. All rights reserved.