Brainstorm has had seizures since he was 5-years-old and this is some of his story.
One day Brainstorm and his Mommy were playing outside. Mommy was pushing Brainstorm on the swing set. The next thing Brainstorm
remembers is being in the hospital and being very sleepy. Mommy and Daddy were both with Brainstorm when he woke up and explained
to his that he had a seizure. "What’s a seizure?" Brainstorm asked. Daddy explained that a seizure is kind of like a
lightening storm inside the brain. The seizure had caused Brainstorm to fall down and shake all over. Since this was the first
time that Brainstorm had a "lightening storm" in his brain, he had to go to the hospital to have some tests. Brainstorm then
noticed that he had a tube coming out of his arm and there were pads on the rails of his hospital bed.
Soon, a man came to take Brainstorm to have a test called a CT scan. Brainstorm thought that the man said "cat scan" and
this made his giggle! Shortly after the CT scan, another man came to get Brainstorm so that he could have a MRI test. The
nurse gave Brainstorm some medicine in the tube in his arm to help his get sleepy. This test was very loud, but Brainstorm
was so sleepy, he took a nap. Brainstorm stayed the whole day in the hospital, but he got to go home with a really cute bunny
that the nurses gave his for being such a good patient. Since all of Brainstorm’s tests were normal, the hospital doctor
told his Mommy and Daddy that Brainstorm might never have another seizure.
Well, two weeks later, Brainstorm did have another seizure. In fact, he had 3 seizures in one day! The hospital doctor
told Mommy that Brainstorm needed to go to see a neurologist named Dr. Nick. He said that the neurologist would run some other
tests on Brainstorm.
In a few days, Brainstorm and his Mommy and Daddy were at Dr. Nick’s office. Brainstorm had a lot of different tests.
He had an EEG where they put funny wires all over his head. Mommy even took a picture to put in the scrapbook! Dr. Nick did
some fun tests too. He had Brainstorm stand in his bare feet on the floor, close his eyes, and touch the tip of his nose with
his fingers. Brainstorm thought that this was a fun game! Dr. Nick decided that Brainstorm has seizures. He gave his a prescription
for some medicine.
The first medicine that Dr. Nick gave to Brainstorm didn’t stop the seizures. In fact, Brainstorm started having
different kinds of seizures. At first, his seizures were the shaking seizures (tonic-clonic), but then he started having seizures
where he would fall to the ground like someone had pushed his down (atonic or drop). Sometimes Brainstorm got a bump on his
head when he had a drop seizure. Mommy noticed that Brainstorm started staring a lot too. He called Dr. Nick and he changed
the medicine that Brainstorm takes.
Brainstorm now takes medication every day. The medication is called an AED (anti-seizures drug). At first, Brainstorm had
a syrup medicine. He thought that it tasted yucky! Then his doctor said he could try his medicine in sprinkles. Mommy or Daddy
would put the sprinkles on applesauce or pudding for Brainstorm. That made the medicine tastier. But now that Brainstorm is
older, Brainstorm can swallow pills. He takes 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills at bedtime. Mommy even bought a special pill
case so that they wouldn’t forget to give Brainstorm his medicine. If Brainstorm doesn’t take his medicine, he
could have a seizure that lasts for a long time. It is called a status seizure and can be very dangerous. If someone has a
status seizure, they usually have to go to the hospital to stop the seizure with a special medicine.
Every once in a while, Brainstorm has to have his blood drawn. He and Mommy go to the hospital lab to have this done. Everyone
there knows Brainstorm’s name! The blood test that they do is to check the level of the medicine that Brainstorm takes.
Dr. Nick wants to make sure that he is getting enough medicine, but not TOO much! (picture… Brainstorm walking into
a room, 3 different lab techs all saying "hello Brainstorm")
Since Brainstorm has seizures, there are some special things that Brainstorm and his Mommy and Daddy have to be sure of.
Brainstorm loves to take bubble baths! Brainstorm and his Mommy and Daddy know that Brainstorm should not take a bath by himself.
Mommy or Daddy always needs to be there. If Brainstorm has a seizure when he is in the tub, or even when he is swimming, Brainstorm
could get badly hurt if he was alone. Brainstorm likes to blow bubbles when playing in the tub with his rubber ducky!
Brainstorm ALWAYS wears his helmet, elbow and kneepads when he is riding his bike or his scooter. If Brainstorm has a seizure
or falls off his bike when he is riding with his friends, he knows that his brain will be better protected if he is wearing
a helmet. Even if someone doesn’t have seizures, they should still wear a helmet when riding a bike.
At first, Brainstorm’s friends thought that he was different because he has seizures.
One time, Mommy and Daddy had all of Brainstorm’s friends and their Mommy’s and Daddy’s come to their
house for a meeting. Mommy and Daddy wanted to tell everyone that Brainstorm has seizures and what they can do to help if
he has one while playing at their house. A lot of the parents thought that a "shaking" seizure was the only kind of seizure.
Everyone learned a lot; EVEN BRAINSTORM! Mommy and Daddy told the other parents that when someone has a shaking seizure, they
are not to hold them down and don’t try to force anything into their mouth. During a shaking seizure, the person’s
muscles get very stiff and their jaw clamps down. Mommy and Daddy also told the other parents to call 9-1-1 if a seizure lasts
more than 3-5 minutes or if that person has another seizure right after the first one.
Mommy had the Seizures Foundation send them coloring books and even comic books called "Seizure Man". It was fun to color
and then have the older kids read the comic book out loud. Brainstorm’s friend Ben said he wanted to be Seizure Man
for Halloween!
Brainstorm’s friends know that Brainstorm has seizures sometimes. Even though it has been a long time since he had
a seizure, they all know that if Brainstorm has a seizure when they are playing at the park, one of his friends is to stay
with Brainstorm and another is to go tell an adult.
To be continued…….